<aside> ❓ Pixyz Studio and Pixyz Scenario Processor embed their own Python interpreter (3.8 in latest versions). Process as follow if you want to add and use your own Python package or module with these interpreters. Or if you encounter any Module not found error.


<aside> ℹ️ You can find the location of previously downloaded packages using pip install by using the pip show <package name> command.


Here are 3 different ways to add a Python module to your Pixyz execution context.

1. Using Plugins

Add a module to your Pixyz Studio plugins by adding a modules folder in the root plugin folder.

<aside> ℹ️ More infos on plugins


2. Using Sys.path

 # my_custom_module_path: folder containing the __init__.py file
import my_custom_module

3. Adding it to the program files

Copy/paste the module in Pixyz Studio program files (C:\\Program Files\\PiXYZStudio )